May 12, 2021 by Tony Brown
“PeaceMakers” Regina Thompson Executive Director, Sheriff Lawerence Zapata Co-Founder, Derick Thompson Co-Founder, Pastor Will Volstead Grace and Glory Church Vancouver, Washington
May 12, 2021 by Tony Brown
“PeaceMakers” Regina Thompson Executive Director, Sheriff Lawerence Zapata Co-Founder, Derick Thompson Co-Founder, Pastor Will Volstead Grace and Glory Church Vancouver, Washington
March 26, 2021 by Tony Brown
Straighttalktv” Young At Heart” Segment Honors and Celebrate: Ms. Anita Patterson 80yrs young A Trailblazer and a Co-Founder of CBTU and other members of Coalition of Black Trade Unionists International Women’s Committee Members: Denise Berkley- Chair, Mamie Pratt Vice-Chair,(Chicago, Illinois), Faith Morris Secretary( Delaware), Tina Turner-Morfitt President, Dr. Audrey Terrell Vice-President (Oregon) Faye Wilkie Fields Chair( Brooklyn, New, York)Trina Pryor Member (Manhattan, New York), Pastor and Songstress Darcel Johnson-Stone(Brooklyn, New York)
March 22, 2021 by Tony Brown
Straighttalktv Young At Heart Segment Honors: Ms.Marva Edwards Former President of N.A.A.C.P Vancouver, Washington Dr.Audrey Terrell CEO Dr, Audrey Terrell Inst.DATI, Mr Derek Thompson Co-Founder of PeaceMakers, Regina Thompson Exec.Director of PeaceMakers Ms.Bettie Jean Andrews MBA and Co-Founder of Jack &Jill Society, Bob Andrews Former Vice President of NAACP. Marsha Joslin, Pastor Damien Young Greatness Ministry, Vanesia Dedmond DATI Alumni and Clark County Young Democratic Joana & Steve McCoy Perfoming the Black National Anthem
March 12, 2021 by Tony Brown
“March Honoring Women” Honoring a “Young at Heart” 80rs young Ms. Johnnie Roger, w/ a Special Birthday song Dr. Audrey Terrell Dr.Audrey Terrell Institue D.A.T.I , Dr. Lola Longe Family Medice, Ms. LaShawanta Spears-Hardy Voted 2021 Vice President Of The Year Vanessa Dedmond D.A.T.I. Alumni and Member Clark County Young Democrat Johana and Steve McCoy Perform the Black Nation Anthem
March 5, 2021 by Tony Brown
Tribute To Bobby “BoBo Lewis Olive First Heart Transplant Donor
February 12, 2021 by Tony Brown
“Go Educate” Inc. a National and International Program. Jeffery Hall Founder and Joshua Hall VP/Public Relations Director. “Voage Design” Inc. Alexus Edmond C.E.O and Ashtin Knowles Founder
January 31, 2021 by Tony Brown
Present Horace and Coach Isaiah Ford Lucas ‘on “Sleep”
January 13, 2021 by Tony Brown
Marilyn Keller Tribute and journey with Ruby Bridges, at the tender age of six advanced the cause of civil rights in November 1960 when she became the first Afrikan Amerikan student to integrate an elementary school in the South
December 19, 2020 by Tony Brown
Marilyn Keller Songstress Vocal/Instrument makes History
November 24, 2020 by Tony Brown
Anita Ward wife of the Oregon First Heart Donor shares her journey, Laurie Palmer CEO of GGYC “Go Get You Child”, Shannon Olive CEO of Rebuild Women First WomenFirst Transition & Referral Center